Main Description | Sub Description | Course Title | Delivery | Days | Cost | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Register |
Main Description | Sub Description | Course Title | Delivery | Days | Cost | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Register |
With our cutting-edge Virtual Instructor-Led courses, we bring the classroom to you. Wherever you are - at the home or office - simply remote into your live class happening at our facility. The quality of the technology allows for real-time participation at no extra cost to you.
Experience engaging learning at its best with immediate and accurate feedback. Our comfortable classrooms, with a ready-to-learn atmosphere, become an open forum for questions & answers encouraging collaboration and memorable learning. Our instructors are given full range to switch things up as needed to suit the style of the all learners. That means bring on personal pet projects to discuss in class! Direct, hands-on instruction is a time-tested method of getting exactly what you and your team needs out of your training. We promise you will leave our classroom feeling confident and prepared to put your freshly learned skills to the test at work!
MOC On-Demand combines high-quality video, interactive reading materials, live hands-on labs, and knowledge checks in a self-paced format to help you build skills on Microsoft technologies as your schedule allows - all at once or a little at a time. The modular, self-directed course structure adapts to your learning needs and style.