Adobe InDesign is a robust layout and typography program that allows integration of text, graphics, and interactive elements in a rich design layout that can be published by commercial printers as well as in digital venues. This introductory training class is designed to familiarize the student with the many tools and utilities available in InDesign, as well as workflow principles that you will need to make the most of the software.
Before beginning to use Adobe Indesign CC, you should have a working knowledge of your computer and its operating system. Make sure that you know how to use the mouse and standard menus and commands and also how to open save, and close files.
*Course cost listed does not include the cost of courseware. Please contact us at or 207-775-0244 for additional pricing information, or if you have any questions. Course is subject to minimum enrollment. This course may run as a live distance learning class if minimum enrollment is not met. Required: Students to have their own cloud account to use in class.