The Certified Incident Handling Engineer, 5-day course is designed to help incident handlers, system administrators, and general security engineers understand how to plan, create, and utilize their systems in order to prevent, detect, and respond to security breaches. Every business connected to the internet is getting probed by hackers trying to gain access. The ideal situation I to prevent this from happening, but realistically every business needs to know how to detect and resolve security breaches. Certified Incident Handlers are prepared to do handle these situations effectively. Students will learn common attack techniques, vectors, and tools used by hackers, so that they can effectively prevent, detect, and respond against them. This course is ideal for those who lead incident handling teams or are part of an incident handling team.
Who Should Attend
The C)IHE course is an incident handling course that teaches students how to plan for, detect, and respond to security breaches. In order to do this effectively we require students to understand the material in our C)ISSO: Information Systems Security Officer course. If you have taken the course or have equivalent experience/knowledge, you'll be able to learn the art of incident handling in the C)IHE course.
After you complete the C)IHE we encourage you to learn about disaster recovery and business continuity through our C)DRE: Disaster Recovery Engineer Course.
System Administrators
Security Consultants
IT Departments
Incident Handlers
C)SS: Security Sentinel
C)ISSO: Information Systems Security Officer
OR Equivalent Experience
Course Kit and Lunch not included.
Course Kit $ 500.Lunch $10 per day (optional)
Course will run as a live-virtual class unless a minimum enrollment is reached.
The Certified Incident Handling Engineer exam is taken online Assessment and Certification System (MACS). The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. The cost is $400 USD.
The GIAC Certified Incident Handler exam is another certification for incident handling professionals that this course has more than prepared you to pass. We strongly recommend the more advanced C)IHE exam. Please consult your instructor if you have any further questions. The exam is available for purchase through