Course Code: 22366

55285 Advanced Python

Class Dates:
2 Days
Class Time:
Instructor-Led Training, Virtual Instructor-Led Training


  • Course Overview
  • This Advanced Python training course picks up where our Introduction to Python course leaves off. This course is for students who have taken the introductory course and are ready to learn more and for students who have some experience programming with Python and are ready to go to the next level. The course was written using Python 3.8, but is relevant for all students using Python 3.
  • Audience
  • This course is for students who have taken the introductory course and are ready to learn more and for students who have some experience programming with Python and are ready to go to the next level. The course was written using Python 3.8, but is relevant for all students using Python 3.

    At Course Completion Work with Lambda functions, Work with advanced list comprehensions, Work with the collections module, Use mapping and filtering, Sort sequences, Unpack sequences in function calls, Work with modules and packages, Understand regular expressions, Use Python's re module, Store data in a relational database, Store data in a CSV file, Work with data from a web page, Use HTML, XML, and JSON, Access an API, Test performance with timers and the timeit module, Work with the unittest module, Work with classes and objects in Python, Work with instance methods, class methods, and static methods, Work with properties, Work with decorators, Work with subclasses and inheritance.


  • Experience in the following is required for this Python class:
    Basic Python programming experience. In particular, you should be very comfortable with:
    Working with strings.
    Working with lists, tuples and dictionaries.
    Loops and conditionals.
    Writing your own functions.
    Experience in the following would be useful for this Python class:
    Some exposure to HTML, XML, JSON, and SQL.

Course Details

  • Module 1: Advanced Python Concepts
  • Lambda Functions
  • Advanced List Comprehensions
  • Collections Module
  • Mapping and Filtering
  • Mutable and Immmutable Built-in Objects
  • Sorting, Unpacking Sequences in Function Calls
  • Lab 1: Exercises in this Lesson
  • Rolling Five Dice, Creating a defaultdict
  • Creating a OrderedDict, Creating a Counter
  • Working with a deque, Converting list.sort() to sorted(iterable)
  • Converting a String to a Object
  • Module 2: Regular Expressions
  • Regular Expression Tester
  • Regular Expression Syntax
  • Python’s Handling of Regular Expressions
  • Lab 1: Exercises in this Lesson
  • Green Glass Door
  • Module 3: Working with Data
  • Virtual Environment, Relational Databases
  • Passing Parameters, SQLite, SQLite Database in Memory
  • Drivers for Other Databases, CSV
  • Creating a New CSV File, Getting Data from the Web
  • Lab 1: Exercises in this Lesson
  • Store data in a relational database, Store data in a CSV file.
  • Work with data from a web page,Work with HTML, XML, and JSON.
  • Access an API.
  • Module 4: Testing and Debugging
  • Testing for Performance
  • The unittest Module
  • Special unittest.TestCase Methods
  • Lab 1: Exercises in this Lesson
  • Comparing Times to Execute
  • Fixing Functions
  • MODULE 5. Classes and Objects
  • Attributes, Behaviors, Classes vs. Objects
  • Attributes and Methods, Private Attributes
  • Properties, Objects that Track their Own History
  • Documenting Classes, Inheritance
  • Extending a Class Method, Static Methods
  • Class Attributes and Methods, Abstract Classes and Methods
  • Understanding Decorators, Labs/Exericses in this module:
  • Exercise: Adding a roll() Method to Die
  • Exercise: Properties
  • Exercise: Documenting the Die Class
  • Exercise: Extending the Die Class
  • Exercise: Extending the roll() Method