In this Python training course, students learn to program in Python. The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages. The course was written using Python 3.8, but is relevant for all students using Python 3.
Audience Profile
The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages. The course was written using Python 3.8, but is relevant for all students using Python 3.
At Course Completion
* Understand how Python works and Python's place in the world of programming languages,
* Work with Python literals and comments, * Work with variables and Python data types, * Work with simple modules, *Output data with print(), * Collect user input, * Define and call functions, * Work with parameters and arguments, * Use variable scope, * Create and import modules, * Use math in Python, * Work with the math and random modules, *Work with string basics, * Work with special characters, * Work with multi-line strings, * Index and slice strings., * Work with common string operators and methods, * Format strings, * Use built-in string functions, * Work with lists, tuples, ranges, dictionaries, and sets, * Work with the *args and * Work with virtual environments,* Install packages with pip, * and more.
There are no prerequisites but some programming experience is helpful.
*Course Cost does not include the cost of the courseware or exam. This course is subject to a minimum enrollment to run. This course may run as a virtual instructor led course if the course has not met the minimum enrollment. This course may run as a 3 day bootcamp if the minimum is not meet. For more information, please contact 207-775-0244 or email:
Python includes some built-in math functions and some additional built-in libraries that provide extended math (and related) functionality. In this lesson, we’ll cover the built-in functions