In this 3 day course, students will learn Technical Writing Basics. You will learn structuring, positioning and choosing the Right Words for your writing and avoid traps.
Regardless of the areas of expertise, engineering intersects with all the fields that constitute modern enterprises. The engineer discovers soon after graduation that the range of subjects covered in the engineering curriculum omits many of the most important problems encountered in the line of daily practice — problems concerning new technology, business, law, and related technical fields
With this course, every engineer now has within reach a compact set of primers on important subjects such as patents, contracts, software, business communication, management science, and risk analysis, as well as more specific topics such as embedded systems design. These are books that require only a lay knowledge to understand properly, and no engineer can afford to remain uninformed about the fields involved.
*Course Cost does not include the cost of the courseware. This course is subject to a minimum enrollment to run. This course may run as a virtual live on line instructor led course if the course has not met the minimum enrollment. For more information, please contact 207-775-0244 or email: