This thorough and comprehensive course is a practical introduction to programming in C#, utilizing the services provided by .NET. This course emphasizes the C# language. It is current to Visual Studio 2019, .NET Framework 4.7.2 and C# 8.0. Important newer features such as dynamic data type, named and optional arguments, the use of variance in generic interfaces, asynchronous programming keywords, tuples, and nullable reference types are covered in a final chapter. Supplements cover Visual Studio 2019, the fundamentals of Language Integrated Query (LINQ), and unsafe code and pointers. This course is intended to be fully accessible to programmers who do not already have a strong background in object-oriented programming in C-like languages, such as C++ or Java. It is ideal, for example, for procedural programmers who desire to learn C#.
*Course Cost listed does not include the cost of courseware $ 275. Course is subject to a minimum enrollment to run. Course may run virtually as a Virtual Instructor-Led (VILT) class if the minimum enrollment is not met. If the course is under the minimum enrollment the course may run as 4 day class (Bootcamp Style). For more information, please contact or call 207-775-0244.