Class Cancellation/Reschedule Policy
Cancellations or transfers at late notice can sometimes have a serious impact on the viability of a course or may preclude others from attending a previously full course.
We will readily provide a full refund, credit or transfer for cancellations received more than 15 working days in advance of the scheduled start date. We happily encourage substitutions; you may send another employee from your company who meets the required course pre-requisites in your place at no additional charge.
Cancellation or reschedule requests made less than 15 business days before the class start date and students who do not attend class will be subject to the full course fee. VTEC will allow you to attend the same course and same version as a “refresher student” within one year from your originally scheduled start date. Please see the Class Audit/Retake Policy guidelines below for details.
In the event that the course in which you have enrolled and paid is cancelled or VTEC ceases to offer it, we’ll gladly issue credit toward another course. If you require a refund, please submit a written claim via email, fax or printed letter. The claim must include your invoice number, name, address, phone number, email address, the date of the letter and amount to be refunded.
VTEC reserves the right to cancel a training class due to insufficient enrollment, inclement weather, or other events beyond our control. In the event a class is cancelled, we will notify you as soon as possible. VTEC reserves the right to cancel a class due to events beyond our control up to and including the day of class. You may choose to receive a full refund of your registration fee or credit on another class (entitled if more than a 15 business) VTEC will not be responsible for any cancellation costs you incur, such as airline tickets and/or hotel reservations.
Class Audit/Retake Policy
Everyone learns at a different pace. Students may audit a public course previously attended and paid for at no additional charge on a space available basis for up to (1) year. Please note the guidelines listed below:
Storm Cancellations
It is of the utmost importance that we honor your time constraints in relation to your training needs. For this reason, we try to avoid weather cancellations as much as possible. However, Maine storms often cause hazardous travel conditions. If inclement weather hits, please call our Storm Cancellation Line to find out if your class has been postponed or cancelled: 207‐699‐3402.
If VTEC cancels a class due to inclement weather, we’ll do our best to offer a make up at the earliest possible date.
Low Public Class Enrollments
Should your class have low enrollment at this training site, you will be offered the option of Remote Classroom Instruction (RCI). RCI allows you to participate in the class on the originally scheduled date, time and location. The only difference between RCI and traditional instructor-led training is that with RCI the instructor is at a different site. RCI students have the same materials and participate in the same labs and exercises. They can see the instructor's computer screen and whiteboard presentations, as well as, ask questions and participate in class discussions. The instructor can view the RCI participant's screen at all times and can even provide personal assistance by taking control of the student computer.
Customer shall be required to pay the full amount of the invoice on or before the DUE DATE of the invoice. Unpaid invoices shall accrue interest each month at a rate equal to one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of the unpaid amount. The prevailing party in any litigation between the parties related to or arising out of this Agreement shall recover its reasonable attorney's fees and costs from the non-prevailing party. This Agreement shall be governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Maine without giving effect to the conflict-of-laws principles thereof. The respective federal and state courts of Cumberland County, Maine, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any action brought to enforce the rights and obligations contained in this Agreement.